A poison within him goaded him on,
rotting his flesh...
...drawing evil as he ran,
making a monster of him.
Prince Ashitaka...
Show your right arm.
Prince Ashitaka, are you steeled
to gaze upon your fate?
Yes. I was resolved
when I let my arrow fly.
The scar will seep into your bones
and you will die.
Can nothing be done?!
He was defending the girls,
and the village!
Can we but sit and wait?
You cannot change your fate.
You can, though, rise to meet it.
This was inside the boar's body.
He was in agony. It shattered
his bones, tore at his entrails...
What else could
have made him that way?
Calamity has befallen
the land of the west.
Journey there, and see
with eyes unclouded.
There might be a way
to lift the curse.
More than 500 years have gone since
the Mikado drove us into this land.
Now we hear how his power fades...
...and the fangs of his Shoguns
are broken.
But the blood of our tribe
likewise grows thin.
And now, bitter fate...
the youth who was one day to lead us...
...must journey far to the west.