We had to fight off Moro
to bring this rice, you know.
Dish it out!
Toki was right!
- He is handsome!
- A bit young...
That never stopped you before!
Quiet out there! We lost two men!
There's lots of handsome men here!
Bunch of cowherds!
Come over to our place, Traveler!
Forget this stinking barn!
Watch your mouth! We risked our lives
to bring the rice you're eating.
And who made the iron
that bought that rice?
We work those bellows
all night long!
I would like to see where you work,
if you don't mind...
We'll have to work in make-up!
Rouge, too?
Don't forget! We'll be waiting!
Don't mind them, sir.
Lady Eboshi spoils them.
A good town has happy women.
But women working the bellows
in an ironworks?
Their presence defiles the iron.
Milady buys up the contract
of every brothel girl she finds!
She's kind, that's all.
There's rice on your face, old man.
But she's not afraid
of ancient laws, or of curses.
Or of gods, either.
You should've seen her with Nago!
A huge boar-god. He ruled
the forest around here.
We couldn't get near the mountains.
All we could do was
sit here and look up at them.
The sand down below was worked out.
Lots of people had their eye on
this place. The boars got them all.