To get sand, we have to
clear the trees.
Nago got mad.
There they go again!
Then Lady Eboshi came along
with her guns.
Sir? What's wrong?
Does your arm hurt?
I was just thinking about that boar...
He must have died full of hate.
Sorry to keep you waiting...
That's good iron.
We were late with
tomorrow's shipment.
Let's have a rest. Tell the others.
Some think you're spying
for the samurai, or the wolf princess.
Many have their eyes on our iron.
May I ask why you're here?
I'm sure you know this.
It shattered the bones of a giant boar,
rotted his flesh and made him a monster.
When I tried to stop him, I was left
with this scar: a curse unto death.
Where is your land?
I've never seen an elk like yours.