- You didn't do anything wrong.
- But society likes to persecute.
A scapegoat, someone to demonise.
The same thing happened to Galileo.
Really? That's unbelievable.
With a cockroach and everything?
No. The point is, I put everything
into that restaurant.
It was my livelihood and my home.
In one fatal bite,
it was all taken away from me.
If only we could sell the factory.
I'd let you stay with me, you know,
but, uh, April threw me out.
- Oh, that's too bad.
- Yeah, well, don't worry about me.
April's been like this
since high school.
- She'll be back. I...
- Would you look at them?
Sleeping in the street. Pitiful.
If I had a house, I'd sleep in it!
- Remember how close we were as kids?
- No.
Hey! Merry Christmas!
Yeah, I was on top once too.
But there's only one way to go from
there, and that's down, baby, down!
Ernie! Ernie, there was
a quarter in there.
A quarter? You think so small, Lars.
Look at the bigger picture.
You have no home, no wife, no money.
You have no discernible talents.
How can you ignore that?
Ernie, it's Christmas.
Instead of dwelling on what we lack,
let's be thankful for what we have.
# lf only in my dreams #