You have mice.
He's good.
(Whispering) 5120 Nortondale.
January 4th, 0800 hours.
Don't forget to get
toothpaste and Saran Wrap.
We're in sort of a hurry. I wanted
to warn you about this mouse.
Yeah! You got asbestos, all right!
I'll bet it's up
in the ceiling, mostly!
Shouldn't take me more
than a day or two to remove it.
OK, then.
Um, uh, so, we're gonna go upstairs!
All right, well,
we'll all go upstairs!
OK, then. Yeah.
What are you doing?
- He's not listening any more.
- Oh.
Good. Well, you're the expert.
I hope you can take care
of this, whatever it takes.
We've been trying
to catch this menace all week.
Here's your problem.
Normal people are not...
psychologically equipped
to catch mice.
You have to get inside their mind.
You have to know what
they want...need.
You have to think like a mouse.
If you can do that...
if you can think like a mouse...
you can anticipate their moves.
Then, boom! Sayonara, mouse.
Well, you got some great stuff...
Whoa! Never touch that!
- All right!
- What is it?
The big one.
It's a flea bomb!