Because April gave us the $1200!
She gave you the money?
She didn't hear about the auction?
I didn't even tell her about the
auction until after she took me back.
She just showed up at the factory
and begged me to take her.
(Sighs) We made love in a way
I've only ever seen in nature films.
Wow. I almost can't believe it.
I can open up another restaurant,
you're back with April,
you can even keep
that worthless factory.
It's funny
you call the factory worthless,
because there's something I probably
should have mentioned...
Yeah? Well, I guess
I have something to confess too.
Hey, isn't that Caesar's truck?
- Oh, my God!
- Caesar! What happened?
- Please, he's not well.
- Did you kill the mouse?
What's that? Horse?
Fiendish! I won't eat it. (Yells)
(Clicking teeth and squeaking)
How'd you find him?
911 call. No voice, but we heard
screaming in the background.
He was locked in a trunk
in the attic.
We'll call you if we get any leads.
What's that?
(Footsteps, door creaking)
(Caesar) 'Put that down.
What is that?' (Yelling)