Mr. Magoo

So, Magoo has the Star of Kuristan.
But it was Luanne's fault!
She double-crossed us.
I shouldn't have hired her.
But she's the only one capable
of stealing the Star.

How could someone with such beauty...
be so treacherous?
I worship all that is beautiful,

The greatest sin is to destroy
a thing of beauty.

I fear now we must destroy
the beautiful Miss Le Seur.

Kill her.
But first, get the stone, all right?
Tomorrow buyers are arriving from
all over the world to bid on the ruby.

Schmidt. Gosher. Havzinski.
I hear there's a rumour
Ortega Peru might even show.

The Piranha?
The king of the underworld?

Oh, Morgan,
don't screw this up, hmm?

I'm coming. On my way!
- Hello, sir.
- Um, oh, Stacey!

Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?
I thought that Waldo was going to pick
you up, uh, on the way to the opera.

Well, in my country, the invitee
always picks up the inviter.
