Nil by Mouth

They are like that, right?
I'm thinking,
"I'd like to get hold of that."

I look around, she is getting a severe
portion up the fucking Gary, right?

The bird looks down at me
rolling the joint, and she said:

"Oh, no. It ain't gonna be one
of those parties, is it?"

-You all right?
-Only heard that 20 times.

And you'll hear it 20 fucking
more times, it's early yet.

Hello, Tone, it's Bill.
Oh, I'm all right, mate.
Yeah, what's going on?

We've fucking been waiting here
for an hour already, mate.

You turned your phone off.
You know what I mean?

Come on, mate. You can't have--
You should've said--

That's bollocks.
Tone, for fuck's sake, man.

You fucking left us hanging
in the lurch.

We're fucking shriveling up.
Give us a bang on your beer, mate.
I'm fucking gasping. Good man.

Fucking hell, that's nice.
Enjoy that. Cheers.
Your phone's been off
for a fucking hour, man.

Do you know what I mean?
Tone, for fuck's sake, mate!
You're fucking us about!

We've been waiting here
for an hour for you.

-Tell him to hurry up!
-I'm telling him!

Tell him to be quicker!
All right? Come now, yeah.
Blinding, all right.

Yeah, it will only take you 1 0 minutes,
then you can go do your other thing.

Okay, mate. All right, yeah. Ciao.
