Nil by Mouth

Right, so he hasn't even
been there a fucking day.

He hasn't got through breakfast,
and he's caused a riot.

So he's down on the block. He ain't
gonna see London for three stretches.

We all went to school together, right?
He was a fucking lunatic then.

Remember when we used to
go to the Bonamy?

You know, where your nan lives, Bill.
Over the railway.

We used to go over there thieving.
They used to keep all the vans over
there with all the catalogue gear.

There was Littlewood's.
What was the other one?


-They were to us.

Who'd he shoot?
Was it one of the firm?

No, it was off the plots,
up the fucking road a bit.

He's had a row with a couple
of geezers outside a fucking club.

-What's that, a fucking oil rig?
-Fucking hell, Red Adair's about?

So he's had a row with
these two geezers...

...fucking one's opened their mouth,
it's come out the wrong way.

Next thing you know, he's fucking
shot them with a fucking revolver.

-Who's giving him a revolver?
-He's a lunatic, the cunt.

Who's this?
Micky Tyne. Skinny guy, long hair.
Got nicked once
for breaking into a pound note.

-Where's he banged up?
-Up in Wayland.

Wayland, for murder.
He's like a time bomb
waiting to go off, that one.

Well, I just said that, didn't l?
Plankoss dossoss.
Who'd he murder?
-Couple of geezers.
-Outside a club.

-Do you remember my heart attack?
-Fucking hell. Listen to this.

Listen to this, Bill.
You'll love this one.

I'm 30-fucking-2 years of age, right?
And I have a heart attack, right?
