This has only got
one C.C.D. chip.
Broadcast has three, Nick.
Don´t look at me like that.
What, are you surprised l know shit?
The guy that sold me that camera
just set up our computer network.
- Windows NT?
- No. Just Windows.
- Man, get out of here with that shit.
- Look, here´s a nutty idea.
lf you actually know something about
this stuff, why not use that knowledge
and get a job?
Take a good look at me.
- l´m not exactly the corporate colour.
- That´s ridiculous.
- lf you wanted a job,
you could have one.
- There´s a spider on your head.
- What?
- There´s a spider on your head.
Look, l am sorry.
l am not up on all this...
jive-talkin´, homeboy lingo.
What´s that supposed to mean,
there´s a spider on your head?
lt means: There´s a spider on
your motherfuckin´ head, man.
Well, get it off!
Get it off, get it off!
- l ain´t touchin´ that shit.
- Get it off!
Get it off, get it off,
get if off, get if off!
- Get it off!
- Yo, that´s a big fuckin´ spider, man.
Oh, shit!
Nick, it´s just a spider.
l´m a scat man
No, no.
Now don´t go crazy.
- Yeah, you go, boy.
- l´m a scat man
Hold on, let me focus.
Let me focus on this shit.
l´m a scat man
Oh, shit.
You got the hot foot!
Yo, Nick!
Get on the good foot.
Get on the good--
Aw, got it!