What the hell's happening,
little sister?
How goes the battle?
Did you...
...get your "binky marsden farfied"?
You want some advice?
First one of these homeboys who
gives you the slightest bit of shit...
...you march his ass down
to Larry Hyland. He' s their counselor.
Because you gotta sacrifice one of them.
Show them some balls.
Let them know who's boss.
And don't look to
the administration for support.
They haven't been in a classroom.
They don't know shit.
Look at me.
I got tenure and I'm still
in the damn bungalows.
I should be in the "A" building
in one of the air-conditioned rooms.
You met Garcia yet?
Our principal?
Hey, Dave.
Ellen Henry. Computer science.
Trevor Garfield.
Nice scar you got there.
You ever sub here before?
No. First time.
What about permanent?
Seven years in the Bed-Sty
section of Brooklyn.
Roosevelt Whitney High.
Roosevelt Whitney?
Isn't it where that teacher
got stabbed to death last year?
Actually, he survived.
No, no. It was on 60 Minutes.
There was this teacher...
...that gangbanger stabbed
about a dozen times in the hallway.