Tell me the difference between the
central nervous system and the lymphatic.
You got a nice butt.
Since you seem to know
so much about anatomy, Ms...
... Nartinez....
Central nervous system
and the lymphatic.
Tell me the difference.
It' s like the....
The central nervous system is...
...your brain and your spinal cord.
And the lymphatic system is the stuff
in your blood that fights diseases.
That's right!
That bitch was cheating.
Are you writing on your desk, Mr...
I don't see nothing in my hands,
do you?
What' s that? A tagging crew?
-"Kartoon." That you?
-lt might be.
Does K.O.S. have
something to do with Benny?
Don't go there.
"K.O.S." stands for
"Kapping Off Suckers."
We give out referrals.
Don't disrespect my homeboy.
I don't like it.
And he don't like you.
Do me a favor.
Go to the counter, get a paper towel
and wipe your desk off.
And what' s your name?
Who, me?
Stevie Littleton.
You do me a favor, Mr. Littleton.
Turn that tagger shirt...
...inside out.
What, this?
Hyland said it was okay.
Later, lover!
It was a pleasure meeting you.
They' re just trying to fuck with you.
I mean, play with you.
-Sorry I said you had a nice ass.
-Apology accepted.