One Eight Seven

... I can't authorize a locker search.
That was my grandfather' s watch.
can't you see what they' re doing?

Didn't you ever teach?
I' m afraid I never had the privilege.
Teaching and being a principal
don't necessarily go hand in hand.

That's beside the point--
Have a good day.
Why didn't you say something?
The asshole's a politician.
He's got every angle covered.

-I'm thinking of videotaping my classes.
-You want some free advice?

Cover your ass.
If Garcia asks, the camera' s purpose
is to observe you, not the students.

I mean his "clients".
Some gangbanger might think...
...we' re violating his civil rights.
Sorry, lris, completely forgot.
I wanna talk to you
about the discipline committee.

I gotta make a run up to the office.
Go ahead. I can wait.
I have to fly up there
for a computer conference.

When's that?
Day after tomorrow.
I've never been to San Francisco.
You should go sometime.
You'd really like it.

It' s only about an hour by air,
or five or six by car...

... but it has a totally
different attitude than L.A.

The only problem is,
I hate to leave Jack with my mother.
