- Bellingen is approached by sea.
- Then I shall go by land.
You cannot. It is largely
unmapped country.
You think it is outside
my scope?
- There is no shame in that.
- There is no truth in it, either.
- I wager you I can do it.
You may nominate the date.
- This is madness.
I am prepared
to wager you...
that I can have the glass church
in Bellingen by, say...
Good Friday.
And what can you bet?
- Ten guineas.
- No, that's not enough.
What is enough?
Your inheritance.
My father may live
until he's 100.
- He's not a rich man anyway.
- That makes no difference.
- And you will bet? The same amount?
- Same.
The same.
My inheritance.
- But you already have it.
- Yes.
- Your works?
- Yes, everything.
You... You will wager
all that?
Five weeks without...
without even a game of penny poker...
and... and now this.
Very pretty, this fretwork.
It is quite ingenious.
Ah, here is my head clerk.
Come in, Jeffris.
We have a question for you.
Miss Leplastrier, Mr. Hopkins.
This is from the horse's mouth.
Jeffris is quite the explorer.
He has been there, up north,
on the road survey.
- Wasn't it, Jeffris?
- Yes.
He knows all
the ins and outs.
Would that road
be of any use?
If you were carrying cargo
of any sort...
- it would be a fool's way to go.
- Oh.
Well, we... Yes.
We will have cargo, yes.
- Then you must go by sea.
- Mr. Hopkins is set on going overland.
- Is that so?
- Yes. Yes, I'm afraid it is.