Blacks! Blacks!
Niggers! Captain!
- How many?
- There's hundreds of them!
Simpson, you go over the top.
Dalton, watch the provisions.
One man secure the horses.
The rest of you with me.
- By the rocks!
- Come on, lads! On the double!
- Get him off of me! Tie him up.
- Talk to them! Talk to them!
- No! Stop! No!
- Take the bastards!
No! No!
Come on, lads.
Come along.
Hyah! Head 'em up.
Head 'em up.
How goes life in
the ladies' compartment?
What do you say to this,
the countryside?
If it was my country, sir...
I'd be feared
to see you coming.
Get on! Get on!