There you are,
Mr. Hopkins.
Safe and dry.
Thank you, Percy.
I will go alone now.
The Reverend Mr. Hasset?
it is my pleasure, sir...
to present this splendid
glass church to you.
It is a gift
to the people of Bellingen...
all these people...
from the most...
wonderful woman
in New South Wales.
How you can
stand there, sir...
while Miss Leplastrier
pines in Sydney...
is quite beyond my...
Come with me.
Mrs. Chadwick,
would you help us?
Yes. Yes, certainly.
I must hurry home
before my wife hears...
all this puffed up
by gossips.
Would you be a good Samaritan?
Here's a crown. Buy bandages...
Whatever he needs. And here are the keys
to the meeting room.
Lock the door to keep out
the busybodies.
Can you manage?
Will Mrs. Trevis permit you?
Dear Dennis, you must
hurry home to Mary.