Oscar and Lucinda

Oh, Mr. Judd, the reverend's flowers!
Whose dratted horse
is that?

Silly bloody animal.
No, Mr. Hasset did not ask
to go north. He was sent.

- I asked and was refused.
- The bishop refused you?

Mr. Judd,
what's going on?

The Reverend Hasset,
is he, um...

a good friend?
He is a very dear friend.

Oh, look!
Come on!
- I'll tell you, sir...
- Mr. Judd, Mrs. Judd.

Please, come in.
Here we are.
You've been gambling, sir.
We'll not have this. You can't deny it.

- I'm not denying it.
- She's slipping out.

- I meant no offense.
- She's putting on her hat.

- She is my guest, Mrs. Judd.
- A pretty name for it!

- Mrs. Judd!
- I will not be stopped. He is a hypocrite.

We make him lovely vestments.
He will not wear them. Isn't that true?

- You think God would rather
see you looking like a crow?
- No. I wear what I believe...

- You dress like a scarecrow, sir!
- Dresses like a scarecrow.

And he throws out our music
and our candles.

And here he is with cards
and women in the temple!

You are a rude woman,
and you are a rude man.
