i came into this world at midnight
sharp on march 12, 1974
in a place on via della coroncina
neighborhood of ovosodo
the super 8 film my father shot
didn't come out very well
he and mom were very emotional
because their other son
had turned out a bit odd
piero? Wanna play?
I have to finish my homework
the doctors used to shake their heads
when examining him
they said he wouldn't live very long
but big lvano didn't feel like dying yet
leave me alone! Mom help!
you still have that headache?
Come here darling
mom was always a bit sick
but she loved us just the same
did you and lvano fight with
each other again?
He hurt me
he loves you, you know
he could have 'braked' my arm
you should say 'broken', not "braked"
i want a kiss too
come on then
one day mom died
we couldn't face it
how could we live without her?
Dad loved her a lot
they met while dancing
in the summer of '65
he told her he was the son of a tycoon
from argentina
who left him a huge inheritance
and a candy factory
an estate in canada with two lakes
one warm, the other cold
but it wasn't true
he had been a docker
but had been fried
for political reasons, he said
from that moment on
no one had a clue whatsoever
one day he came home with a big car
no one knew where it came from