Mara. She's really a good girl
a worker
serious. During the darkest moments
of mom's illness
she was always there for me
she was very kind and understanding
and she's nice. She sings
know which song?
The one you like
the one that goes like this
i can't sing, but you know the one
so. It's a deal then
i'm glad you're with me on this
easy now
fucking lousy place
don't exaggerate! It's nice
what's wrong now?
They're looking at me
mind your business. Don't worry about it
here we are
this is piero and this is lvano
say hello, guys
he said good morning
does he always talk like that?
I'll show how we're settled
badly. There's even a pigeon
a blackbird, i'll get rid of it
i wanna lie down my back killing me
is there anything cool to drink?
Orange soda, barley water
even a nice little beer
she's thirsty. Something cool
there's tap water
go get us something at the bar
so where's the money?
You always ask for money
when's the last time
you changed the sheets? They stink