
smoke with a cigarette holder
and go to cocktail parties

honors, like prince charles
only without the big ears
the commission supports
the continuation of your studies

in particular classics
yeah right, classics
that's what it says
classics my ass. Listen to this guy
classics, who do you think you are?
A writer?

What would you do for work
the classifieds are full of ads
help wanted, graduates in latin
and greek studies, with license

ms. Fornari told me
she would pay for my books

how generous
know what you should tell her?
If she has money to burn
why doesn't she send us
a money order?

Your damned father still has to
pay his lawyer

instead of dreaming go see
my cousin riccardo

move it
ever since mara arrived
her cousin riccardo

and his garage had loomed
over my future

but i had gotten too big for my britches
thank to giovanna

and i couldn't see myself as a mechanic
finally, i enrolled at
caproni high school on via del mare

an exotic and elegant place
for someone from my neighborhood

like beverly hills
on the first day i got off
at the wrong stop

it's about time
we couldn't wait any longer
come this way
i'm not used to the bus
