i don't know where you picked up
these strange manners
you're right, i come from classics
it's become a real hole
clean up you act
that's why i'm here
i feel changed already
where are you going?
i take the 12 and then change to the 30
where the hell do you live?
After via garibaldi
i'll give you a ride
it's pretty far. Where do you live?
Don't worry about it
is it gonna make it?
aren't they waiting for you at home?
No one ever waits for me
goddamn it
dry as a bone
we can't even siphon some off
got 2,000 lire?
i'll call a friend of mine
he'll give you some gas
it's great here
it looks like naples, berlin, bucharest
they're not back from the store yet
thanks, renata
c'mon piero
i'm coming
who's that?
My brother lvano
delicious, really, out of the world