Arjun Sagar, is one of U.S.A. 's,
Canada's and U.K. 's...
...upcoming artists whose
song, "I Love My India"...
...is topping the Asian Music Chart.
Let's now meet him.
How did you come from
India to the U.S.A.?
By Air-India! Actually, I...
I was born in a town called Mathura.
- The town of Lord Krishna?
- Yes, that's right.
But I'm not Krishna, I'm Arjun.
That too, from these modern times.
Actually, I was 10 years old
when my parents died.
My father was a musician,
and my mother, a school teacher.
I was just living a life
of an orphan, when Kishorilal...
...who was like a brother to
my mother, came into my life.
- Then?
- Then I came to America, and...
...I worked in
a garage for 3 years.
Plied a taxi for 4 years.
And then Kishorilal made me
a manager in his own garage.
Today he's my father...
...deity, God... everything!
When he came to know that
I love singing and dancing...