How about something blond, tanned,
Are you gonna fuck him or eat him?
Maybe both.
- Ok.
Here's your man.
- He's no good.
What do you mean he's no good?
- From far away he looked different.
Esta fuckin' borracho! I hate drunks.
- What do I do with him now?
I don't know. Why don't you lave him
where you found him?
Who the hell are you people?
You crazy bitch!
Sorry, man. Who understands women?
What are you doing?
- Watch, wait and see.
Shut up! Shut up!
Fucking blow your heads off!
Come on! Come on!
They're gonna kill the kids! They're
the devils! I saw it in their eyes!
They're gonna eat them and come
back for more. Fuck all of you!