No, no, no! Don't start with
that hippie bullshit, ok?
I'm talking about Gods!
Gods creators of fucking universes!
Ok. Ok, all right. I believe, ok?
- Good.
So Goldilocks wants to be a hero?
- Shut up!
I expected you to be a stupid-ass
white girl that depends on daddy.
I bet your biggest hope is to marry
some cocksucking cowboy, pump out
2 blond kids perpetuating the cycle
endlessly. Isn't that right?
Give me the gun.
- I don't know what this is about,
but I do not wanna die!
- Ok, then kill me.
Go ahead, shoot!
But if you miss...
- I know how to shoot a gun!
I'll give you piece of advice.
I don't need your advice.
- Lf you really wanna do something,
do it without thinking about. That's
the difference between you and me.
I would have killed you long time ago.
- For instance the Aztecs,
the old inhabitants of this land.
This people had this all figured out
thousands of years before
you and I were born, Duane.
See this guy? It's me.
And this here is you.
Food for the Gods.
How many men have you fucked?
I can't believe it.
You're still a virgin?
It's written all over your face.
It's ok. We've all been there.
Come on, this is stupid.
Gimme the gun.