I think it should be you who decides
who is going to be sacrificed.
You're the sorcerer.
- What about the gringo?
You chose him.
- Bullshit!
You're the one who started this!
You know all you wanted was that
little fucking blonde pussy, anyway.
The poor girl bled a lot, you know.
Just like caramel cream.
Well, too bad she's not
a virgin anymore, huh?
Wouldn't it have been
better for your little ceremony?
Yeah that's true.
Why didn't I think
about it before? Shit!
Too late now. Anyway, I'm glad we'll
take a trip after the ceremony
because they'll be talking about it
for a long, long time.
Everything is falling into place.
I'm a lucky man, bonita.
If you call me bonita one more
fucking time, I'll fucking kill you!