Mixed Reviews
Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Álex de la Iglesia
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Perdita Durango
Based on Barry Gifford's novel, novel 59° and Raining: The Story of Perdita Durango, Perdita Durango is a cross between the crime and horror genres. Perdita (Rosie Perez) is a tough, no-nonsense lady clad in a Tura Satana-style black outfit. She meets Romeo (Javier Bardem), a maniacal criminal who also happens to be an even more maniacal witch doctor. The couple cross the border into Mexico, become lovers and partners in crime as they kidnap a white-bread teenage couple. Along the way they also hijack a truckload of human fetuses and try to evade a determined Drug Enforcement Agency officer (James Gandolfini).
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Perdita Durango
:00:49 U glavnoj ulozi:
:01:00 Jo jedno piæe?
:01:05 Izvolite? -Koka kolu.
-Dijet? -Zajebava?
:01:12 ivi u Meksiku?
-Ne ba.
:01:15 Ide negde?
-Sada ne. Ti? -U Feniks.
:01:20 Na Kongres informatièara.
Prodajem softver.
:01:26 Ja sam Meni Flin.
Polu-Jevrejin, polu-lrac.
:01:31 Kako se ti zove?
-Perdita Durango.
:01:34 Lepo ime za lepu enu.
:01:37 Udata?
:01:42 Èuj, Meni... Hoæe da
idem s tobom u Feniks?
:01:47 Plati mi put i klopu,
i tvoj miko je moja briga.
:01:52 Dok ti radi,
radiæu malo i ja.
:01:55 Tamo ima mnogo frajera,
zar ne? Mogu da zaradim.