Posutoman burusu

Then I thought... I want a bowl of noodle.
No, I shouldn't be thinking about
noodles, when I'm about to kill myself.

I tried but I couldn't get it out of my head.
Then I figured I should have some noodles first.
I ran out of the hospital to get some noodles.
I was sweating a lot and ate
sniffling away. Two bowls.

As long as you're alive you'll always get
stuck somewhere and make mistakes.

But isn't that proof that you're moving forward.
It's better than standing still and doing nothing.
The present is important to me.
I don't have to think about the past or the future.
The past no longer exists...and
the future has yet to exist.

And I can not make any promises for tomorrow.
I don't put off 'till tomorrow
anything I can do right now.
