Uh-huh, that's right.
I appreciate it.
Thanks again.
And what do I do with this, huh?
- Wrap party?
- Bingo prize.
Someone's got to
talk to Senbon Nokko.
Guess so.
Will you?
Wait, give me a minute...
My stomach's awful lately...
Do you know anything I can take?
Horinouchi here.
Sorry to call so late... listen...
It's true!
Mr. Ushijima?
This is Nokko's new single.
If you wouldn't mind...
No problem.
Nokko! Hey, Nokko!
Anyway, be that as it may...
Now, about this script...
I couldn't possibly do it
the way it is now.
Of course not,
but there's no pachinko in New York...
So drop the pachinko.
Why didn't I think of that.
Make her something more glamorous...
- A career woman?
- Exactly!
Can we do that?
This is carbonated.
You're kidding!!
- Get me something else.
- I'm sorry!
So where's that
tubby assistant of Nokko's today?
She quit.
Seventh one this year.
I'm waiting.
- Anyone else?
- No thanks.
Move it!
Say... What about a lawyer?!
Oh, Nokko...
I wanna do a trial scene!
And I'd love to see it...
Better than pachinko,
that's for sure.