Ah, yes, Mr Hoffmann. HoffCo Telekomm.
He gives the appearance
of tremendous enthusiasm.
My son told me how you softened
our very stubborn censor.
Yes, we reached a meeting of minds.
There are those in my government
who wish to severely Iimit the flow
of Western entertainment.
And there are those who are impatient,
who wish the floodgates released.
Like my son.
But there must be a happy medium.
We must proceed with balance.
Is this how you imagined China, Jack ?
Hao bu hao ?!
Hao !
Miao bu miao !
Miao !
Miao bu miao !
Miao !
Zai Iai eyige yao bu yao ?!
Yao !
- Miao bu miao ?!
- Miao !
What are they saying ?
"Is it good ?" "Is it great ?"
"Let's do it one more time, baby !"
Hao bu hao ?!
Hao !