Let me go !
Let me go !
I'm an American citizen.
FinaIIy. HeIIo.
Ni hao ?
Jack Peter Moore.
Yes, that's right.
English no good, so...
You have refused
to answer questions.
No-one has asked any questions.
- Did you rape and murder Hong Ling ?
- You've made a mistake.
- There is no mistake.
- I have the right to contact my embassy.
- You have no rights.
- I have a right to contact the embassy.
Your case wiII be tried according to the
Iaws of the People's Republic of China.
- I want to talk to the American Embassy !
- First the investigation.
Did you rape Hong Ling... ?
I wanna talk to my embassy !
PIease translate this !
I would Iike to see an attorney.
The sign says "Leniency for those who
confess. Severity for those who resist".
I'm not resisting, and I...
It can be more easy
if you confess your crime.