No chaIIenge, Presiding Chairman.
Advocate Shen Yuelin.
Excuse me. I was at the Ministry
of Justice, preparing for this case.
You're excused, Advocate.
Accused Moore, do you understand
the charges against you ?
What I understand is
I have never met my attorney before.
Presiding Chairman...
Wait a minute. I've Iost the sound.
I can't hear anything.
What is she saying ?
I've Iost the sound. I can't hear anything.
I can't... This is very important that I...
Can you hear me now, Accused Moore ?
Can you hear me now ?
Yes, I hear. I would Iike my attorney I have
never met to repeat what she has said.
I told Chairman Xu
I was assigned this case only today.
- But I'm familiar with the facts...
- Familiar ?! You never spoke with me !
You must address the court
in the proper manner.
I'm sorry.
What is the proper manner, Your Honour ?
Accused Moore, please be seated now.
Advocate Shen Yuelin, what does
the accused plead to these charges ?
The accused pleads guilty.
The heII I do !
The defence attorney is supposed
to represent the accused, not the state !
Do you speak English !
Ni shuo Ying Yu ma ?