I am not pleading guilty.
You wiII change the plea.
Fine. I want another Iawyer.
There is no other Iawyer
who wiII agree to defend you.
Only because the Ministry requested
my service have I assumed this role.
That role requires Iistening to the facts.
A foreigner comes here and takes a girI
to bed after knowing her for a few hours.
Next morning she is dead.
- The foreigner says he's innocent.
- I am.
His hands are covered in her blood, and
his fingerprints are on the murder weapon
With a guilty plea,
the court may be persuaded
by extenuating circumstances
- to be Ienient in your sentencing.
- I'm not pleading guilty !
If you plead not guilty,
the judge and the two members
of the public sitting with her
wiII be offended
by your unrepentant attitude.
Their majority vote
wiII determine your fate.
In our country, moral education
of criminals is of great importance.
Leniency is granted to those who confess.
Severity's required for those
who insist on their innocence.
Therefore it would be wise of you
to treat our Iegal system with respect.
Spare me the Iecture on the morality
of your judicial system.
If you plead not guilty,
you wiII be sentenced to death.
And, unlike in your country,
sentences are carried out within a week.
You wiII be shot, and the cost of the bullet
biIIed to your family.
I'm innocent !
- You truly believe you are innocent ?
- Yes !
How can you be certain ? You were
unconscious when the police came.
I was asleep.
You had consumed an excess of alcohol.
An enormous amount.
I know what I did and did not do !
How can you be sure of anything while
under the influence of so much alcohol ?