- Very unusual.
- Where's Ghery ?
He's giving his deposition.
- About what ?
- His knowledge of the case.
He'II give you a great character reference.
What kind of coverage
are we getting on this ?
The embassy wants to keep a Iid on it.
There are questions of face involved.
And certain trade issues are pending
which ensure you a fairer shot than usual.
Is McAndrews stiII in Tokyo ?
A visit from McAndrews
would be imprudent.
Yeah. Yeah, right.
Jack, as you know,
this is a dangerous time.
There are powerful forces for change.
Powerful forces of resistance.
The old guard wants to use the murder
to campaign against spiritual poIIution.
Sorry. No politics. House rules.
Excuse me.
- You Iike Star Trek, Jack ?
- What ?
Star Trek. Captain James Kirk.
I have aII 79 segments on tape.
Programming now just doesn't compare.
It offers only violence.
Wouldn't you agree ?
I'm very sorry.
I'II do everything in my power to help you.
There are those in my government
who wish to severely Iimit the flow
of Western entertainment.
And there are those who wish
the floodgates released.
Is there anyone you want us to notify ?
Any family ?
So they know where to send the bill
for the bullet ? No, I don't think so.