Did you have the knife
tested for blood ?
Yes, the blood on the knife
is that of the victim.
What was your assessment
of his condition ?
A strong smeII of alcohol came from him.
He was unsteady,
confused. He seemed surprised by it aII.
Did you find alcohol in the room ?
Two empty bottles of Champagne
and two empty bottles of Scotch.
I have no further questions.
Advocate Shen Yuelin.
When did you get the caII about screams
coming from the accused's room ?
- Approximately 5.45.
- They entered the room when ?
Captain, how would you describe
the accused's state of mind ?
In this situation,
would surprise be a rational response ?
Would you describe surprise
as a sane response ?
What was he waiting for ? His own arrest ?
Objection !
I'd Iike to confer with my advocate,
Your Honour.
I am not insane.
I wiII not plead diminished capacity.
I am obliged to do what is required
to avoid your execution.
Advocate Shen Yuelin, does the defence
have further questions ?
- I have questions.
- I am not finished.
According to article 26 of the criminaI
procedure Iaw, or amended article 32,
I have the right to ask questions
of witnesses
even if my advocate has already
questioned them.
Accused Moore,
this right is rarely exercised.
But I have the right to exercise it,
Your Honour.
The appropriate form of address
is "Presiding Chairman".