Presiding Chairman.
You may proceed.
Ask your question.
Thank you, Presiding Chairman.
you testified that
you entered my room at 6.04.
The blood you found
on my hands and my shirt,
was it wet or dry ?
The screams were heard at 5.45.
Wouldn't it have taken more than
1 9 minutes for so much blood to dry ?
UsuaIIy, yes.
So the murder must have taken place
before 5.45.am.
If the murder took place before 5.45,
who was there to scream at 5.45. ?
Perhaps you.
Perhaps me ? Why would I scream ?
You were drunk.
- Two bottles of Scotch had been emptied.
- No, not two. Only one.
I ordered one bottle.
Check room-service records.
Your fingerprints were found
on both bottles.
Hotel records show that
two bottles were ordered.
Accused Moore, are you finished ?
Accused Moore,
are you quite finished ?
Just one more question,
Presiding Chairman.
Captain, did you find a gold Iocket
on or about the person of Hong Ling ?
I have no information about a Iocket.
There was a Iocket there.
Where is it now ?
I'm sorry, I didn't get a translation on that.
Why are they Iaughing ?