Red Corner

In my country, too.
If you wished to have Iaw books,
you should have requested them from me.

I hear you've been questioned.
Then you appreciate
the situation I'm in here.

You should go home.
What should I teII David about Hoffmann ?
TeII David...
TeII David to let HoffCo have the sateIIite.
Focus on American content production.
Make Hoffmann pay through the nose.

You think the world's waiting
for programming from Bonn ?

I doubt it.
If a Chinese guy woke up at the PIaza
Hotel with a dead American girl,

and the Chinese government tried
to interfere... I kind of see their point.

Your Iawyer's good.
She even got a few dissidents off.

Go on.
Give my best to Janie and the kids.
I wiII.
Get outta here.
Thanks, Jack. I'II be back.
