Red Corner

- No, I wanted to be in control.
- And were you ?

I thought I was.
Until now.
You asked me if I had a wife. I said no.
I don't, but I did.
We had a daughter, seven years old.
They were in a taxi in San Francisco.
There was an accident.

I am sorry.
Anything else you wanna know ?
What was your first contact
with Hong Ling ?

You think I kiIIed her ?
My job is to find the truth.
To handle this case according to Iaw.

Do you believe me or not ?
I have growing questions
about what happened that night.

Now, please teII me of your
first contact with Hong Ling.

Did you approach her ?
No, she was modeIIing.
Some kind of a fashion show.

You simply saw her ?
We saw each other.
Your eyes met ?
I guess so.
- Are you sure ?
- Yes. Yes, I'm sure.

So you were attracted to her ?
Yeah. Yes, I was attracted.
Because she was... beautiful ?
I guess so.
