She got a phone caII. It upset her.
On the hotel phone ?
No, it was on her ceIIular.
She said it was nothing. Period. Meishi.
- Meishi ?
- Meishi. Meishi.
Anything else ?
She said
"Yuan... yuan er guan chi" ?
- Does that mean anything ?
- No.
You did not hear her scream ?
But someone made an anonymous call
claiming to hear screams in this suite.
This is an old hotel, isn't it ?
It's very solidly constructed.
Outer door... and an inner door.
Hey !
It's aII right, it's aII right.
Meishi, meishi. Meishi.
- You hear anything ?
- No. Come.
These are objects
Hong Ling had with her in this room.
The police developed the pictures.
The Iast caII she made was 51 7-857.
It has been disconnected.
There must be a central
telephone exchange.
That's where the records are kept.
We wiII go there.
- Why are you smiling ?
- I usuaIIy figure out the next step.
This must be extremely difficult, to rely on
a stranger, a woman, a foreign woman,
- in such serious matters.
- That's why I smiled.