Cause llI be watching you.
Fuck you very much, sir.
- Honey...
- Shut up!
You just keep your eyes on this, asshole.
Look out!
I coulda knocked that son of a bitch
all the way back to Chihuahua.
So, baby?
What the hell are you tense about?
Come on, lighten up, Rayanne.
Say something.
Come on, our guests gonna think
youre damned mute
if you dont say something.
Co on.
I just wish you would control your temper.
- Bullshit! Thats bullshit.
- You wanted me to say something.
The first thing that comes outta your mouth
is a criticism of me. Is that it?
- No...
- Aw, shut up, woman!
Coddamn women!
Ha! Cant live with em,
cant blow their heads off.
Well, this must be it, huh?
Nope, not yet. Im just stopping here
for a well-deserved beverage.