Shes a psycho killer.
- Shell kill us all!
- Bullshit!
Shes crazy. She just killed my wife.
- She killed her.
- Wife?
- He killed her.
- She killed my wife!
Shes trying to kill me.
Shes a psycho hitchhiker. Help me!
- Shut up!
- You liar!
- I need your help. Cet the police.
- Help me!
Help me! Shes a killer, shes a psycho bitch!
Freeze! Freeze, or I will shoot you,
I swear to Cod.
Ever used one of those guns?
Just give me a reason, Frank.
Could be outta ammo.
You might wanna check?
Very funny, Frank,
but youre not dealing with Rayanne.
Put your hands behind your head!
Lts a lot of responsibility,
pulling that trigger, woman.
- It can change your life forever.
- Vaybe Ive been looking for a change.
Coddammit! You bitch!
Hold it right there.
Vister, youve got it wrong.
Help me. She just shot me, goddammit!
Shes a killer.
Co call the police. Ill watch.
What are you talking about? Shes a murderer.
- Co. Ill handle this.
- Are you crazy too?
- Shes trying to kill me!
- Shut up!
- Vurdering bastard!
- I didnt kill my wife. She shot me!
- Cive me them.
- What are you talking about?
You know what Im talking about, bastard!
The computer chips. Cive em to me.
Shit. Why didnt you just ask?
The cop took em.
He mustve known I had em.
Hes got em right here.
Stupid fucker!