
- Im from Venus, youre from Mars.
- Shut up!

M ovvoe!
You surprised me, maam.
- But Ive got a few trick s up my sleeve too.
- What the hells going on? Who is she?

I dont know.
Who the hell are you?
- Huh?
- Just another Texas girl, Frank.

Thats bullshit!
Youve been sticking your nose in my business.

Noboody khows hmy bs hoess
Not even Rayanne, who is dead,
thank you very much.

How the hell do I live without her?
Youre pathetic!
Anyway, Frank,
you knew she was cheating on you.

How the hell do you know that?
Did she tell you that? Huh?
Whos she doing? Jesse? Who?
Cut it out, Frank.
Take it somewhere else.

Tell me! Tell me, goddamn it!
- I wanna know!
- Cut it out!

- Tell me!
- Take it somewhere else!

- Shut up, goddammit!
- Frank, take her to the desert.

- Take her out in the desert.
- llI take her out in the desert all right.

Vake sure nobody finds her.
Cet up.
Talk to you later, Sam.
Hell, nobodys gonna find you, cept the coyotes.
Vake it quick cause
theyll come looking for that trooper.

- Oh, yeah?
- Whats the trooper gonna say?

Lm gonna shut you right up.
Listen to me.
You say anything and llI kill them all.

- I swear!
- OK.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Can I help you?
Yeah. We wondered if you know
if theres a campground around here.
