Scream 2

Oh, good. Because Sid,
we have our eyes on you.

You hang in there, and if there's
anything we can do-

The Delta Lambdas are very sensitive
to your plight.

- Yeah. Bye !
- Bye !

- You gonna start to dress
like that once you get in ?
- That's not gonna happen.

The Delta Lambdas are the biggest
bunch of fuckin'-

Hey ! I'm pledging
Delta Lambda, thank you.

Oh, my God.
Who's that ?
Dewey ?
Hey !
- What are you doing here ?
- Ah !

- Oh, I was worried about you.
- Yeah ?

I heard about what happened
and I was on the next plane.

- Oh.
- Can we talk ?

Yeah. Yeah.
Are you okay ?
I'm fine, Dewey,
or I was.

I mean, things were okay
until now.

But, uh,
theater's going great.

I got my first starring role.
We open in two days.

- That is great.
- Yeah. I'm loving it.

You know, and I've got
some great friends,

and, uh,
I'm seeing someone.

Nice guy. Premed,
no apparent psychotic tendencies.

I was just worried.
Look, Sid, if there is some
freaked-out psycho trying to follow...

in Billy Loomis's footsteps,
you probably already know him.

Or her, or them.
They're probably
already in your life.

They get off on that.
I just want you
to be careful, Sid.

Oh, you- You think I don't
know that, Dewey ?

But what am I
supposed to do ?

Just cut everybody off ?
Crawl under a rock ? What ?
