Scream 2

We're cosponsoring the acid rain mixer
at Phi Gamma Alpha tonight.

- Why aren't you there ?
- I'm "sober sister."

I need to be here in case
a drunk sister calls and needs a ride.

- That's too bad.
- "Drink with your brain."
That's our motto.

- Who are you calling for ?
- What if I said you ?

What if I said good-bye ?
Why would you
want to do that ?

- Why do you always answer
a question with a question ?
- I'm inquisitive.

Yeah, and I'm impatient. Do you want
to leave a message for someone ?

Do you want to die
tonight, Cici ?

Omega Beta Zeta.
So, was it Teddy ?
No. It was some creep asshole
trying to scare me.

That movie Stab is
bringing out the crazies.

- Shit.
- What is it ?

- I heard a noise.
- Where ?

- Shit !
- Hello ? Hello ?
- Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill.

- Die, die, die, die, die. - Stop it !
I can't believe you're alone
in that house.

- I don't think I'm alone.
I'm out of here.
You're breaking up.
Where are you ?

- Outside.
- Don't panic, Cici.

- Call campus security.
- Okay.

Campus Security.
- Hi. I'm calling from the Omega Beta-
- I can't hear you. Hello ?

Hello ?
- Can you hear me now ?
- Hello ?

- Hello ? Shit !
- Campus Security.
- Yes. I'm calling from-

I can't hear you.
Hello ?

-I'm calling from Omega Beta Zeta house.
