So until you find me standing over
a dead body with a knife in my hand,
I think you better treat me
with the rights and privileges...
accorded to every innocent citizen
in this country.
I don't- Is there- Is there
some problem with the word "innocent" ?
I know. It's a big one.
Chief ?
- What's going on ?
- I have to let him go.
- Why ?
- We don't have anything on him.
Sign here.
Enjoying the show ?
- Cops are funny.
- What do you think you're doing ?
Waiting for
my 15 minutes of fame.
You can understand that,
can't you, Gale ?
Don't do anything stupid,
Gale, you were so
instrumental in my freedom.
You're not having
character doubts now, are you ?
- Sidney, if you change your mind-
- Come on. Take a hike.
Sorry about that.
What a creep.
They're gonna take you
somewhere safe, Sid.
Yeah ?
Where's that.
I don't know, but I'll
be there with you.
We should get going.
We'll take you by the dorm,
and you can pack some things.
We've issued
a campus lock-in this evening.
-No one's allowed out after dark, okay ?
Who's doing this, Dewey ?
I mean,
if not Cotton,
then who ?
I don't know, Sid,
but I'll find him.