Scream 2

Fuckin' kill you !
You are dead ! Dead !

- Derek.
- Sid. - Derek.
I'm sorry.
I never...
hurt you.

You should really deal with
your trust issues, Sid.

I mean, poor Derek. He's completely
innocent. And such a nice boy too.

He's bright and funny and
handsome. Decent singing voice.
And he was gonna be a doctor.

This was just the kind of boy
you'd like to take home to Mom.

- If you had a mom.
- Fuck you !

Oh ! So vulgar. Did Billy
let you talk to him this way ?

Billy was a sick fuck,
just like you.

No. Billy was a sick fuck
who tried to get away with it.

Mickey is a sick fuck
who wants to get caught. Yeah !

See, I've got my whole defense
planned out.

I'm gonna blame
the movies.

Pretty cool, huh ?
It hasn't been done before.

You see, this is just the beginning,
a prelude to the trial.

That's where the real fun is 'cause
these days it's all about the trial.

Can't you see it ? The effects
of cinema violence on society.

I'll get Dershovitz
or Cochran to represent me.

Bob Dole on the witness stand
in my defense.

Hell, the Christian Coalition'll
pay my legal fees.

It's airtight, Sid.
I'm an innocent victim.
- You're a psychotic.
- Yeah, well. Shh.

That'll be our little secret.
'Cause people love a good trial.
It's like theater. They're dyin' for it.

And I've worked hard
to give the audience what they want.

That's what Billy was good at.
He knew... it's all about...

- execution.
- Yeah ?

Well, you're forgetting
one thing about Billy Loomis.
