What's that ?
I fucking killed him.
You piece of shit !
You got a Linda Hamilton
thing going.
No, no. It's nice.
I like it.
Now, who's doin' that ?
Could that be... the mystery guest
waiting in the wings ?
Told ya I had a partner.
Surprise cameo
just for you.
Mrs. Loomis ?
- What ?
- Billy's mother !
Nice twist, huh ?
Didn't see it comin', did ya ?
It can't be. I've-
I've seen pictures of you.
This is 60 pounds
and a lot of work later.
It's called a make-over.
You should try it.
Look a little tired
yourself there, Gale.
- So you two are in this together ?
- Yeah, well.
Had to have financing.
Tuition's expensive.
Deb, there- my backer. We met on the
Internet. Psycho Web site. Classifieds.
There's only an estimated
97 active serial killers in the country.
So Mickey, here, was quite a find.
Definitely one on the way up.