Take it easy.
You got a couple broken ribs.
- Greg, I'm okay.
- Sure.
Hey, Gale.
Are you all right ?
- Joel.
- I'm- I'm back.
You know, I was thinking maybe we could
get the scoop like in the old days.
You're Gale Weathers...
at Windsor College.
We got a live one here !
- Move it !
- Where's Gale ?
- There room in that one over there ?
- Yeah ! Watch your back !
- Dewey !
- Let's go !
- Oh, God.
I can't believe
you're alive.
- Are you okay ?
- Gale.
You hang in there.
- Knife went into some old scar tissue.
Saved his life.
- I'm coming with you.
- Can you tell us what you saw ?
- What happened in there ?
Can you tell us how it feels
to be a hero ?
Talk to Cotton. He's the man
you want to interview.
He's the hero.
- Cotton !
- What went on in there ?
- Is it true you're a hero ?
- Details, please !
- Look, guys,
no one wants to give you
the story more than I do.
Unfortunately, there is
a time and a place,
and indeed, a price for everything,
so feel free to call me.
Come on, Cotton.
Tell us something.
Well, uh,
I'll tell you one thing.
It'll make a hell of a movie.
Thank you.