But a good Mexican restaurant....
Oh, Abraham!
Never satisfied.
-There's enough room.
-Always dreaming.
-Put up a stage for some music.
That's what this is about, isn't it?
No, no, this is about food.
Okay? And I'm hungry.
The kids could play. We'd be together.
The clients would love it.
You wouldn't quit your job.
No, I wouldn't quit my job.
Oh, God.
I must tell you, you got it centered.
It looks great.
-But I don't buy that "G."
-The "G" is perfect.
It looks like a "Y"!
-lt looks great.
-lt looks like "Papa Yoyos"!
-lt's "Papa Gayo's." Perfect.
-Go back up there.
-Everybody's exhausted.
-Look at that "Y."
Papa Y?
-lt's "G."
-lt's "Papa Gayo."
-lt says, "Papa Yoyo's."
-Come on.
-Come on, let's go home.
-Go ahead, go home.
-Okay, stay.
-Get out of the way, I'll do it.
Let me do it. I want to do it.
If you don't let me do it....
Watch out!
"Somewhere over the rainbow
"Way up high"
How's it going?
You were right,
gringos like Mexican food.
They like it so much.
We'll run out pretty soon.
-I must talk to you.
-Hold on.
Where are my enchiladas?
I had to quit my job today.
I didn't want to.
They didn't want me to be here today.
They wanted me to work.
And I wanted to be here.