Hey, girl!
Say "hi" to the camera!
Hi, how are you?
You look pretty!
Tell us what it feels like
to be on the stage.
I'd like to thank all the little people
I stepped on to get here.
No more pictures, please!
This is not what we were talking about.
That's the way it is.
Those people came to see Selena tonight.
They love Selena!
What can I say?
She's just a woman.
You got my chin, dude.
When're we getting a road crew?
Dad's happy with the road crew he has.
-And I do mean you!
-'Cause it's free.
Let's go, we've got
a whole stage out there.
Turn that thing off.
What's gotten in to you?
What're you doing
walking around wearing that?
Come on, Dad, she looked great.
Stay out of this.
It's just a bustier.
-lt's a cool thing.
-lt's a bra!
It's a bra with sprinkly things!
You cannot go out
wearing stuff like that.
It's indecent!
It's okay. She looked so good!
The crowd loved it!
Shut up! She's not your daughter!
You don't understand.
All the singers are doing it.
It's a style.
-They're wearing bras?
-Yes. Madonna, Janet Jackson.
Paula Abdul.