But, you know...
...you're my little girl.
I know that.
That's just it.
I'm not a little girl anymore.
You know what I mean.
I didn't wear anything bad.
Really, no one thought it was bad.
It's just the fashion right now.
On stage, you know.
It's entertainment.
We don't want to be old-fashioned.
No, we don't want to be old-fashioned.
Don't you think I look just as good
in those outfits as Paula Abdul?
You look better. But....
But what?
Keep your jackets on, okay?
Just leave them unbuttoned and...
...let the...
Thanks, Daddy.
Take Bertha and fuel it up.
Gas is miles down the road!
Diesel fuel. Don't make any mistakes.
I can't even switch the gears.
You can do it. You've been practicing.
I've seen you do it.
-Not by myself.
-You can do it.
-What's up?
-You can do it.
Go with him.
You're fueling.
I hate that.
You tanking up the bus?
Wait! We're going!
Just stay out!
Look at Wonder Woman and her sister.
Quiet! I must see you drive Big Bertha.
Let's go.
-I can do this.
-Last time it was disastrous.
There we go!
-This is good, A.B.
I need Dramamine!
-Bertha and I are one!
-I'm getting dizzy!
We lost a bumper!
-That's all I can find.
-What's that going to do?